We hope you had a good summer season and wanted to briefly announce a few upcoming events for the second half of the year.
NVK Crystallography Course in Utrecht at 13.-15.11.2024
The NVK organizes a crystallography & structure determination course in November in Utrecht under the guidance of Loes. The course is suitable for newcomers in the field. As soon as a program is available we will announce it on social media and our website. Please save the date for this, if you are interested in sending some of your PhD students, Postdocs or research assistances.
Algemene Leden vergadering (ALV) 2024 on the 25.11.2024 in an online fashion
We will inform you via email and website about the detailed program. With the final invitation we will circulate the minutes, program and the financial report. Also you will find a zoom link for the meeting. If you want to test your camera, microphone and connection in a dry run, I will provide a test link on Friday 22.11.2024, 11:00-11:30. You can log in, check & leave, there will be no content in this session.
Please feel free to save the date for those two events and we are looking forward to seeing you there.