From 15-17 January we had the first “The Basics of Crystallography” course. The goal of the course was to learn PhD students the background of crystallography and make them understand more of what is behind the methods and (easy-to-use) software. The course aimed at two disciplines: powder and single crystal diffraction. There were 18 participants. We had lectures in the morning and (computer) practicals in the afternoon. The ambience was very good and the students were very involved. The hard work was intermitted with two diners and a pub quiz which contributed to the a pleasant atmosphere. All-in-all we believe is was a very successful event.
Category Archives: NVK events
Symposia, schools and other events that are (co-)organized by the NVK
Save the dates for upcoming NVK events!
We hope you had a good summer season and wanted to briefly announce a few upcoming events for the second half of the year.
NVK Crystallography Course in Utrecht at 15.-17.01.2025
The NVK organizes a crystallography & structure determination course in January in Utrecht under the guidance of Loes Kroon. The course is suitable for newcomers in the field, they can choose between powder and single crystal diffraction. As soon as a program is available we will announce it on social media and our website. Please save the date for this, if you are interested in sending some of your PhD students, Postdocs or research assistances.
Algemene Leden vergadering (ALV) 2024 on the 25.11.2024 in an online fashion
We will inform you via email and website about the detailed program. With the final invitation we will circulate the minutes, program and the financial report. Also you will find a zoom link for the meeting. If you want to test your camera, microphone and connection in a dry run, I will provide a test link on Friday 22.11.2024, 11:00-11:30. You can log in, check & leave, there will be no content in this session.
Please feel free to save the date for those two events and we are looking forward to seeing you there.
Registrations for our spring symposium are open!
We are pleased to join forces with the Dutch Association for Crystal Growth (DACG) for the Spring Symposium. The event will be hosted by Maastricht University on May 30 & 31, 2024, and registrations are open till May 15, 2024.
This event aims to provide ample opportunity for fruitful discussion and dialogues between experts from different fields of crystallization and to incite collaborations at the international level between the different disciplines on the area of nucleation, crystallization, crystal growth and self-assembly.
An early career event will be hosted on May 30, focusing on MSc, PhD students and postdocs future career opportunities. All participants to the early career gathering are kindly invited to bring a poster about their research. Please send your abstract latest on May 15th, 2024 at We will have two poster sessions dedicated to networking and brainstorming. Please indicate in your registration if you will be taking up this opportunity. The posters will remain in display throughout May 31st.
The DACG & NVK Spring Symposium will take place on May 31 featuring invited talks by renown researchers from the Netherlands and neighboring countries, contributed talks.
We hope to welcome you, please register here.
Save the date! – Joint meeting NVK and DACG
A joint symposium of NVK together with DACG (Dutch Association for Crystal Growth) will be organized at the Science Campus of Maastricht University on 31 May 2024. On the afternoon before, 30 May, we will organize a satellite meeting for young researchers with an interesting evening program and overnight stay. Details following soon.
NVK symposium was a great success!
On 24.11.2023 we held our annual general meeting of the NVK (ALV) at the Amsterdam Science Park organized by Roland Bliem and the ARCNL institute. Apart from the official ALV, the day was full of scientific talks and exchange, as we embedded it into our autumn symposium, this year on the topic of ‘Crystallography in Materials’. We had an exciting panel of speakers especially Ruud den Adel (Unilever), Tom de Vries (Nijmegen), Mirijam Zobel (Aachen), Alexey Pustovarenko (Malvern Panalytical), Adrian Graham (ESA/ESTEC) and Jarek Mazurek (Ardena).

A sphere impression of the day!
Special thanks belong to our speakers of the young researcher session (Grisha Shipunov (UvA), Falk Pabst (UvA) and Charlotte Vrolijk (Maastricht)), which was a great success and gave our next generation researcher a platform to discuss their achievements.
Find the full program here. If you got curious, please join our next Symposium in Spring 2024! Details will follow.
We invite you for our symposium ‘Crystallography in Materials’
It’s time again for the yearly NVK symposium and Algemene Leden Vergadering (ALV)! We cordially invite you to our autumn symposium focusing on ‘Crystallography in Materials’ at the Matrix ONE building in Amsterdam. Find more information and register here. Feel free to spread the word, and take your colleagues, students and fellow researcher along.
Next up: NVK Young Researchers Retreat
On September 29th and 30th, 2022, we are organizing the NVK Young Researchers Retreat! Please find the preliminary program and registration details here.
All participants will present their work, both PhD students and early researchers working in industry or industry are welcome to contribute, which will result in a wonderful and inspiring program! Our key-note speaker, Dr. Yesid A. Ramirez, will talk about his research related to . Additionally there will be plenty of time to network with our sponsors from industry, and of course with your fellow young crystallographers. Also, the career session will provide a overview of career options and plenty of time to discuss these with people who have been in the field for a longer time, both industry and academic science.
In short: interesting science, plenty of options to network, think a bit about your future career, and of course we will have a lot of fun! We hope to see you there!
Registrations are open!
Please register for the NVK symposium on “Reflections on Diffraction”. PhD students and early postdocs are also welcome to register for the Young Researchers Retreat 2022.

The symposium and ALV will be held on June 17th in Utrecht. Find more information about the day full of interesting lectures and the possibility to meet up again with old friends and colleagues here.
The Young Researchers Retreat will be held on September 29th and 30th in Nunspeet. Find more information about those two days packed with crystallography, a lot of fun and an excellent opportunity for networking with fellow young scientists here.
Registration for NVK symposium 2022 & ALV is now open
It is now possible to register for the NVK symposium 2022 that will be held on June 17th in Utrecht.
Check out the program and abstracts here and click the Register button to take part in a day full of interesting lectures and the possibility to meet up again with old friends and colleagues.
See you in Utrecht!
The program of the NVK Symposium 2022 in Utrecht on June 17, 2022 is set.
The NVK Symposium 2022 and the yearly ALV will take place on June 17, 2022, from 10:00h – 17:00h in room 1.30 in the David de Wiedgebouw of the Universiteit Utrecht at the Universiteitsweg 99 in Utrecht. You can check the program here.
Registration will be possible from mid-May via this website.