Do you have news to share with us?

It has been a year since we published our first online newsletter, and the second edition is about to come! Do you have any content to fit in, please notify us! To give you some examples of what might be interesting:

  • Upcoming crystallography related events
  • Awards that you or one of your students got
  • A short story about who you are (NVK member) and how you perform(ed) crystallography
  • Interesting old or new equipment you used to use or have just started to use
  • Recent publications involving crystallography
  • Recent trips, visitations, training schools, or talks that you attended/gave
It would be great to receive a nice picture or figure and 3-5 sentences of context. You can email content to at any time and we will publish it on our website (if content meets the NVK interests). Content you want to end up in the NVK newsletter 2023 should be shared by email before June 26th, 2023.
Posted in NVK.